
School profile

Special Zone University, Window University, Experimental University

Established in 1983 with the approval of the Ministry of Education, Shenzhen University shoulders the glorious mission of cultivating talents for the Special Economic Zone and exploring the way for the reform of national higher education。The central government, the Ministry of Education and local governments attach great importance to the construction of Shenzhen University, and have organized Peking University to assist in the construction of Chinese and foreign language disciplines, Tsinghua University to assist in the construction of electronics and architecture disciplines, and Renmin University to assist in the construction of economics and law disciplines. A large number of well-known scholars have gathered in Shenzhen University。The beginning of the school,The university is keen on reforming the management system of colleges and universities,Active exploration has been made in scholarship, credit system, work-study and other aspects,It was the first country to implement the system of non-exclusive distribution and two-way selection of graduates,We will implement the reform of full faculty and staff employment system and socialized management of logistics departments,It has made important contributions to China's higher education reform。Shenzhen University is the national cultural quality education base for college students, the national civilized campus, and the national demonstration school of national unity and progress。

The school was founded 41 years ago,Shenzhen University adheres to the motto of "Self-reliance, self-discipline and self-improvement",Immediately following the special zone,Be committed to reform and rapid development,In a relatively short period of time, it has formed a complete talent training system from bachelor's, master's to doctor's, as well as a multi-level scientific research and social service system,It has formed the school-running characteristics of "Special zone University, window University and experimental university",Nearly 300,000 innovative and entrepreneurial talents have been trained,More than 95% are rooted in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area,It has made important contributions to the development of the special zone and the modernization of the country。Especially since entering the new era, the university has implemented the development strategy of high-level university construction, become one of the fastest improving universities in the mainland, comprehensive strength has been comprehensively and rapidly improved, innovation and entrepreneurship personnel training, personnel management system and other areas of reform in the forefront of the country。At present, the university has become a high-level comprehensive university with distinctive characteristics, strong strength, good reputation and important influence at home and abroad。

    • 2.72

      Total campus area 2.72 square kilometers;The total construction area of the campus is 200.770,000 square meters

    • 50亿

      The total value of teaching and scientific research equipment is 5 billion yuan

    • 461.37万

      School paper resources 461.More than 370,000 copies

    • 27

      The university has 27 colleges

    • 19

      19 disciplines have entered the top 1% of ESI discipline rankings

    • 916

      Local universities UOOC alliance online courses 916

    • 335/23

      In 2023, 335 projects of the National Natural Science Foundation and 23 projects of the National Social Science Foundation will be awarded

    • 1455

      In 2023, 1455 patents were granted

Shenzhen University currently has two campuses in Yuehai and Lihu, with a total area of 2.72 square kilometers, total construction area of 200.740,000 square meters。The school is rich in teaching resources, complete scientific research facilities, teaching and research equipment worth 5 billion yuan。Library building 89,759 square meters, the school paper resources 461.More than 370,000 copies, full-text e-book 349.More than 370,000 copies and 130,000 full-text electronic journals。At present, there is 1 national undergraduate comprehensive reform pilot program, 1 national talent training model innovation experimental area, and 1 national practice teaching base。There are 2 national experimental teaching demonstration centers, 1 national virtual simulation experimental teaching center, 21 provincial experimental teaching demonstration centers, and 3 provincial virtual simulation experimental teaching centers。There are 5 national key laboratories,3 national engineering laboratories,1 International cooperation base of the Ministry of Science and Technology,1 National Engineering Technology Research Center,2 key laboratories of Ministry of Education,Ministry of Education joint laboratory 1,1 Collaborative Innovation Center of the Ministry of Education,1 P3 laboratory, Ministry of Science and Technology,1 Key laboratory of Ministry of Natural Resources,State Oceanic Administration public service platform 1,14 key laboratories in Guangdong Province,1 Basic Science Research Center of Guangdong Province,1 Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao joint laboratory。There are 5 national social science research platforms, 2 Guangdong Provincial philosophy and Social science key laboratories, and 18 other provincial and ministerial key research bases。


At present, Shenzhen University has 44,554 students, including 28,792 undergraduates, 14,465 master's students, 849 doctoral students and 448 international students.There are 22,500 students in adult education。The university has a complete and comprehensive range of disciplines, covering 11 disciplines such as philosophy, literature, economics, law, education, science, engineering, management, medicine, history and art。The university consists of 27 colleges, 104 undergraduate programs, 3 Chinese-foreign cooperative programs and 3 affiliated hospitals。There are 5 national characteristic majors, 34 national first-class undergraduate majors and 17 provincial first-class disciplines.There are 15 first-level disciplines authorized by academic degrees and 2 categories authorized by professional degrees.There are 14 post-doctoral research mobile stations and 1 post-doctoral research workstation。There are 36 first-level disciplines with master's degree authorization and 27 categories of professional master's degree authorization。Engineering, Clinical Medicine, Materials Science, Biology and Biochemistry, Computer Science, Chemistry, Physics, General Social Sciences, Environmental Sciences/Ecology, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Agricultural Sciences, Botany and Zoology, Neuroscience and Behavior, Psychiatry and Psychology, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Earth Sciences, Immunology, Mathematics, Microbiology, etc. 19These disciplines are ranked among the top 1% of ESI disciplines worldwide,Ranked 34th in the Chinese University Extended Edition ESI Ranking of highly cited papers;Engineering, materials science, computer science and chemistry are among the top 1‰ of ESI's global rankings,It is the first local university in Shenzhen to enter the top 1‰ of ESI in the world。The university initiated the establishment of the "UOOC Alliance of Local Universities", which has joined 139 colleges and universities, with 916 online courses, a total of 766 course-selecting schools, and a total of 2.06 million course-selecting students。In the 2022-2023 academic year, undergraduates won 1,448 awards at all levels, including 72 international awards, 529 national awards and 847 provincial and ministerial awards。


The structure of the school's teaching staff has been continuously optimized, and the introduction and training of high-level talents have achieved fruitful results。There are 4198 staff members, including 2725 full-time teachers (627 professors, 999 associate professors, 1064 lecturers), 595 technicians and 878 managers。There are 1,181 postdoctoral fellows and 649 full-time researchers。There are 199 state-level high-level talents, 103 high-level talents in Guangdong Province and 2,104 high-level talents in Shenzhen。

The university continues to deepen the reform of the scientific research system, and the research projects and funds have increased significantly。In 2023, the total funding for scientific research will exceed 1.9 billion yuan;In 2023, 335 projects of the National Natural Science Foundation and 23 projects of the National Social Science Foundation will be awarded.It has won 35 humanities and social science projects of the Ministry of Education, ranking first in the province and second in the country, achieving a historical breakthrough in this field。In 2023, 6,511 papers will be included in SCI and 711 in SSCI。In 2023, 1,455 patents were authorized, including 1,207 invention patents。"Journal of Shenzhen University (Science and Technology Edition)" is a comprehensive academic journal of science and technology sponsored by Shenzhen University, and was selected as "2022 China University Science and Technology Journal Construction Demonstration Case Database · Top 100 Science and Technology Journals".。It is now the comprehensive core journal of Science, agriculture and medicine of "Chinese Core Journal Essentials" and the statistical source journal of "China Core Journal of Science and Technology" of China Institute of Science and Technology Information,Journals are included in China Science Citation Database (CSCD), Scopus, INSPEC, JSTChina, EBSCO and other authoritative databases at home and abroad。Journal of Shenzhen University (Humanities and Social Science Edition) is the first national Double Top Ten journal, the national University Social science famous journal, the national university authoritative social science journal, the National Chinese core journal, the Chinese Humanities and Social Science Core journal, and the Chinese Social Science Citation Index (CSSCI) source journal。

The school actively promotes "international talent training, international scientific research cooperation, international teacher construction, international cultural exchange",At present, it has established exchange and cooperation relations with 290 overseas universities (institutions),It covers 55 countries and regions around the world,Carry out exchanges and cooperation in various forms, including teacher-student exchanges, scientific research cooperation, and cooperative education,And actively absorb international students from all over the world for further study,Create an international atmosphere,We will comprehensively raise the quality and level of international exchanges。

At present, Shenzhen University actively serves major national strategic needs such as the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and Shenzhen Pilot Demonstration Zone, adheres to cultural leadership, strengthens innovation-driven, pursues connotation development, accelerates the establishment of a world-class comprehensive university, and strives to build a benchmark university with Chinese characteristics in a new era!


(This page was updated in June 2024)